Discover our products and work on your attractiveness on our digital supports
Our digital offering is available under our three brands Dogfinance, Tekkit and Bizzeo.
A dedicated space to communicate differently.
You are a company: Communicate on your employer brand, your professions, your news and events
You are a school: Communicate about your courses, programs, news and events
We can write original content focused on your communication.
Portraits: Highlight the career paths of your employees, students or alumni.
Life: Communicate about a team, a department in your company or a program at your school
Contact your subscribers and visitors to your page and offers.
With the direct approach tool, access a pool of profiles interested in your structure: subscribers to your page, visitors to your page and content, visitors to your ads, and contact them by private message.
Give visibility to your internship, work-study and job ads in a specialized way.
Publish your ads manually or automatically on one or more of our brands, benefit from high visibility, process your applications via our tool or send candidates to your ATS.